
Affiliation No: 2130691
School Code : 60310


School Rules

School Rules

Parents are requested to see that their child adheres to the School norms strictly.

  • Punctuality and regularity in attendance is essential. Students who have been absent the previous day must bring a note of explanation through 'Record of Non-attendance' pages of the almanac without fail. In case of illness a Medical Certificate should be submitted. Students who reach home late after the school due to personal reasons must inform their parents/ guardians in advance. Irregular attendance, unjustified or unexplained absence from school, habitual late coming, leaving the school premises without permission, disobedience and any type of unruly and objectionable behaviour are considered to be grave acts of indiscipline on the part of a student which can lead to his/her rustication from the school.
  • For the student whose reporting time is say 7.50 a.m., he or she should not enter school premises before 7.30 am. 7.50 am to 8.00 am would be considered as late arrival but child can enter the school and past 8.00 am no student would be allowed to enter the school.
  • Students must come to school in neatly laundered uniform and polished shoes. The hair should be trimmed and the nails must be cut regularly. Trinket, jewellery, henna or tattoos should not be worn to school. Girls with long hair should make plaits. Skirts should be worn knee-length.
  • Pupils are forbidden to carry objectionable literature or expensive items to school. School does not take any responsibility for lost articles, money etc.
  • Students are not permitted to carry cell phones, i-pods, CD's, DVD's, e-games, pen drives etc. They are not allowed to use school phones without permission. They cannot be called to school office to attend to phone calls during school hours.
  • Respect for school property and school belongings is an absolute must. Students must not write, scratch or engrave graffiti on desks, chairs and other surfaces. They should not damage or remove things, belonging to the students.
  • In the event of collective damage to school property in a classroom, the entire class occupying that class room will be charged the cost of damage. A vigilant outlook should be maintained towards keeping the surroundings clean. All waste paper should be picked up and thrown into the dustbin.
  • Students are not allowed to leave the class without Class Pass and without permission of the teacher. While moving in between the classes in the corridors and while using the staircases, all must keep to the left. Students should move in a way that no class is disturbed. Loitering in the lobby and the office areas is strictly forbidden even during the recess.
  • A student must speak in decent language all the time. He must ensure that his speech is courteous and polite. Use of foul and unparliamentary language is not acceptable.
  • Every student is required to carry the school Identity Card (containing complete information about name/class/transport/home address) on them each day of the school.
  • Under no circumstances will crackers, fireworks, fire arms and any other inflammable material be permitted in school.
  • Students are expected to bring the books according to the time-table. Neglect of homework, disobedience and disrespect towards members of staff or bad moral influence, justify dismissal of the student.
  • Students are not allowed to receive private tuition from the teachers of the school. Parents are requested not to compel teachers to do so.
  • No child is allowed to bring gifts of any kind for distribution in school even for birthdays.
  • Buying eatables from street vendors is strictly forbidden outside the school premises.
  • Any communication sent from the school should be conveyed to the parents promptly.
  • While taking the examination every scholar should do so with utmost honesty. Recourse to any use of unfair means will be viewed seriously, resulting in awarding zero in the subject or even rustication from the school, depending on gravity of the matter.
  • English is second language for most of us, but it is also the medium of instruction. In order to acquire proficiency in spoken English, all students must compulsorily converse in English in school (and at home as far as possible).
  • A student must extend due courtesy and respect to all members of staff. Respect for elders and affection for juniors should be soundly inculcated. Every child is expected to uphold the name & honour of the school.

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